Financial Processes
Student organizations submit to the Financial Services and Allocations Committee (Finance Committee) their proposed general allocation for the coming semester. The Finance Committee then deliberates on these budget requests and allocates no more than the cap determined in the annual budget bill. Typically, more than $7 million is requested by organizations for their initial budgets, so almost no organization ever receives 100 % of their general allocations request. The money in the budget account does NOT roll over to next year.
A co-sponsorship is a request for funding of an on-campus event open to all GW students. Your request is considered by the Financial Services and Allocations Committee. All student organizations (including graduate umbrella organizations and their constituent student organizations) are eligible to receive a co-sponsorship from the Committee.
The Student Government Association and the Office of Student Life started a new allocation process – “University-Wide Programs Fund.” University-Wide Programs Fund offers student organizations opportunities for funding campus-wide events, celebrations, and traditions that enhance the student experience at GW. Click the title for more information!